Thursday, 5 January 2012

Been too long

It's been FAR too long since I posted here. Truth is that I started to be venting to myself more and more and it MAY have been funnier in person.

Still, I'm back now and let's get back on the horse!

My motorbike has a digital speedometer. This has lead me to be much more careful with my speed.
My car has an analogue gauge and I can always console myself that I might have a slightly thick needle and a wide line where the '70 mph' line is will allow me to be slightly higher (obviously, I don't ever exceed the limit on purpose, sometimes there is a big breeze when I'm going downhill!).
With the digital readout there are no 2 ways about it. SLOW DOWN! It yells at me, YOU'RE DOING OVER THE GOVERNMENT SANCTIONED LIMIT!
There is no talking to it. No convincing yourself that the 73mph shown is actually just UNDER 70 because of the gauge errors.
When you go too fast with a digital speedo, it lets you know