This week I finally got round to watching some of 'The Apprentice' on iPlayer. This show is apprently really popular, yet I can't quite figure out if I like it.
It appears to me that the rich man (in this instance, played by Lord Alan Sugar) is using his wealth to make 12 typecast 'achievers' scrabble around doing his bidding in the hope that he'll pick one of them to be his friend all the while having them being observed by his royally appointed babysitters. Obviously there is the backstabbing and bickering that occurs in every work place, but this is not the first season of the show. Surely a crafty contestant would wait until their project manager (always shortened to PM which will surprise David Cameron) is asleep, handcuff them to the bed and then run off with the prize.......
Now, what happens if you're on this show to escape your boring 80-hour working week? Do you tell your boss that you've got TB and have to stay at home? Of the contestants this year a few look like they genuinely (I would say naively) believe they can win. Who books a 12 week holiday unless you say you're pregnant and that is one BIG commitment to lying right there?
Can Alan not find normal people to be friends with?
Is business so bad for him that he needs the BBC to pay for his stupid frosted glass boardroom double doors?
Is there a security team on the premises to stop them going on the rampage after being fired?
Speaking of his boardroom - he uses a phone (I'm sure it's not an Amstrad one......) to call through to his secretary who appears to be just an arm with easy clean hand attachment. It's actually quite freaky that a disembodied voice floats around and the contestants are then invited into the boardroom to receive the signal famous all over the world to mean 'Prostate exam', yet in this case means 'You're fired!'.
So, will I be watching more of it?
I'm sad to say that I think I will! The show has me hooked to see just how many idiotic things these monkeys will do for money. I'm secretly hoping that it's a double switch scheme and Lord Sugar is leading up to a challenge where the teams are faced with a dead body and have to take the blame for their idol. Now THAT is good tv!
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