Monday 6 June 2011

How my life in over spec'd

I've just been driving at 30mph in a car that can do 140.
My watch is suitable for deep sea diving because, let's face it, I often find myself 200 metres below the sea.
My ipod can hold 10 bazillion songs which is really worthwhile when you consider that I can still only listen to one at a time and I've got a favourites playlist that probably doesn't even top 200 songs.
My bike has 27 gears which would be useful if I was trying to cycles up the Eiger - on the roads it seems a bit ridiculous.
My Sky box can receive 1000 channels and yet I still only watch Top Gear on Dave.
My sleeping bag is rated down to -15 and I find this most useful when sleeping in 20 degrees at a friend's house.
I've got a pen that can write in space.

Still, I wouldn't want to give these things up :)

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