Wednesday 29 June 2011

An Open Letter to the People of Greece

Hello people of Greece! :)

First of all, I never congratulated you on winning Euro 2004, so well done for that.

On to my main topic regarding your rioting in the city centres in response to your government's plans to cut a few billion euros from the budget. Have you not been watching ANY news recently? You were almost bought by CHINA!! Things are getting slightly serious when a country 6,000 miles away is the only one that will invest in you. I think this is now the standard length of the proverbial 'barge pole'. Yes, 6,000 miles sounds about right.

If you must be reminded, your economy is broke and last year you received $145 billion (yes, BILLION with 9 zeros) in aid from the IMF and EU to pay off debts. Your credit rating is below the stalwart nations of Jamaica, Ghana and Belarus.

Seriously, rioting in the street costs even more money to fix (money, which I will remind you, you do not have). You're shooting yourselves in the foot!

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